Benefit In Recovery After Ischemic Stroke In Rats

In this small study conducted by researchers from StonyBrook Medicine in New York utilizing a rat model where ischemic stroke was induced, hydrogen water created by Drink HRW tablets demonstrated a significant benefit in recovery and neurological score following the episode. Further, the combination of hydrogen water and the drug minocycline proved to be significantly more effective than hydrogen water on its own. This study is hopefully a positive glimpse into what we may see with the registered clinical trial using Drink HRW hydrogen tablets and minocycline in 100 patients post stroke, underway at StonyBrook Medicine now.

Treatment for DSS-Induced Colitis in Mice

In this small study conducted by researchers from Mashhad University, with assistance from researchers at the Slovak Academy of Medicine, a mouse model of colitis was induced, and then treated with either sulfasalazine, a standard approved drug, hydrogen water created by Drink HRW tablets, or both sulfasalazine and Drink HRW tablets. The hydrogen tablets demonstrated a significant benefit in protection against the colitis model, comparable to the approved medication sulfasalazine. Further, the combination of hydrogen water and the drug sulfasalazine proved to be significantly more effective than hydrogen water, or sulfasalazine, on their own. This study is another positive glimpse at the research utilizing hydrogen tablets as an adjuvant therapy alongside standard care.